Saturday, February 23, 2008


I think that 30 things at one time for something new is a lot. maybe it could be broken down into smaller pieces. Also, each thing took a lot longer to do than was suggested at the beginning. I had blocked web sites by the city, sites that did not work, and programs to update that required authorization by an administrator. There were things that I liked and something that I will never use. But, now I know that there are a lot of site that I did not know about before.
The program could use more time and shorter things to do for each section. The reading and research involved was intense for each Thing. There is not enought time to do a really in depth job for each thing.
Yes, I would participate in the future, if I had the time to do it.
Thank you,


My favorite discoveries were LibraryThing and Flickr. I will enjoy using Library Thing to organize the books that I have read. I also like Flickr. I like all of the pictures and videos. My son is into photography I am going to tell him about Flickr. I think he will enjoy this site.
When I the 30 things I will go back and look at them again. I don't think we had enought time to really get into each lesson. There was so much to read and review and understand for the time that we had. Thank you for setting this up.

I like to look at pictures of cats and dogs. I found a picture of a dog that looks like one of my dogs.

27- Library Thing
I like this site very much. I will use it to catalog the book that I have read.

online image generator
I went to the Generator Blog. I used the brainscannr. I put my name in and a picture of my brain appears. I don't know what all of the yellow faces mean, but it looks good.

25 - library web site

On a library web site I found polcasts and videos. Library news where you can get library related news from other libraries. Podcasts where you can get library channel news about new books, study programs, authors, and other things. There was also a streaming vidoe library. Also, I took a tour of the library.

24 - podcasts

I found some pictures that I liked. I tried to find a video, but the computer needs a new version of Adobe Flash player. To down load this I would need administrative password, I do not have one. Also, other podcasts that I clicked on said "city's internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time." Podcasts look interesting if I could see any.